
From Grass to Grace for Grace, a 67 year old lady

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Grace* is a mother and a grandmother to many. Her family was denied this maternal love after she was sent to prison to serve a sentence spanning several years. When she left, her husband was frail, and in need of care. Despite her best efforts in seeking for reprieve, the law carried the day and she was forced to serve her sentence. This is the usual state of mind for any inmate upon admission to prison. Not only are they new to the prison experience, but they also have to pass through mental agony caused by the constant fear of what will become of the people they have left behind. In some instances, those who were bread winners for their families worry about the sustainability of the family, those with young children worry about their well-being while those with ailing spouses, children or relatives are left in a constant state of worry, not having a clue of what the world and fate holds for them. This was Grace*, who could not bear the thoughts that she was going to miss several holidays, birthdays and special moments that family brings.

Grace* first heard of Faraja Foundation while serving her sentence. While in prison, she got to know about our mandate and soon after her release, she contacted Faraja Foundation. We acknowledge that women are a critical pillar in society. Their roles in uniting their families and their contributions to the socioeconomic status of the families is a story too familiar to Grace exiting from Embu Women Prison.

Through her positive attitude, she has been able to start her life afresh at 67 years after being incarcerated for 5 years. She mentors another long-term ex-offender, Elizabeth, from Naivasha Women Prison. Through psycho social and economic empowerment support from Faraja Foundation and The Leaders Guild from Tangaza University College, she now ventures into commercial agriculture on her 5-acre piece of land. The proceeds support her aged husband’s medical expenses, her children’s welfare, and her grandchildren’s education.

This is our focus, to rebuild the lives of those formerly behind bars in their walks towards crime-free and productive lives through effective reintegration processes.