Reintegration and Resettlement Programme (RARP)

Reintegration is the support given to offenders during re-entry into society following imprisonment. Offenders confined in correctional institutions are confronted by a range of social, economic, and personal challenges that tend to become obstacles to a crime-free lifestyle. Some of these challenges are a result of the offender’s past experiences and others are more directly associated with the consequences of incarceration and the following difficult transition back into the community. The return to civilian life can be a disorienting, uphill climb. Ex-offenders are often the victims of social isolation and stigmatization, physical and emotional abuse, poor employment or unemployment due to their lack of work experience, mental and coping challenges. Supervision of ex-offenders to ensure they are properly settled is often necessary but not well done due to resource constraints.

The focus of the reintegration and resettlement programme is the effective reintegration of released offenders back into the society. The interventions under this programme are intended to address the incompatibility between the released offenders and the host community. Offender reintegration covers all activities conducted to prepare an offender or children in conflict or contact with the law to return safely to the community.

Priority areas covered within the reintegration and resettlement programme include:

  • Offender pre-release
  • Offender post-release.

Community Adaptation Projects