The program trains through mini lectures, discussion, exercises, and most especially through role plays. General counseling techniques are stressed, with special presentations on: assertiveness, Decision making, family issues, crime/legal issues, crisis intervention, substance abuse. and sexuality. The manual includes specific handouts for specific topics.

To promote healthy interaction and linkages to psycho social services in prisons and to teach prison inmates simple counseling skills; provide emotional support on first-aid basis to enhance positive behavior change through learning and self-awareness exercises.

Long term prisoners/Remandees

Three is ideal, 2co-facilitattors plus a fallback

5 days of 5 hours each

16 – 20 participants Preliminary: What is Peer Counseling? Peer counseling is a training program that is carried on in many communities. It is a way of training people in something that they have always been doing—trying to assist their friends when they ask for help. Often the first person one turns to with a personal difficulty is a friend who will understand. A peer counseling program trains people on how to effectively help others.

The course focus on the development of crisis intervention skills, helping to clarify problems, and learning about drugs, alcohol, sexual and Reproductive Health, crime and behavioral change, and the services which are available to prisoners who are experiencing difficulty. The course will involve opportunities for participants to learn by doing, such as roleplaying. Discussions will take place continuously. Outside resource people may be invited (if necessary) to particular sessions to share their knowledge.

  • To train selected prisoners in using helping skills so that they help their peers address problems and cope with the psychosocial crisis in prison
  • To equip the participants with appropriate communication and counseling skills
  • To enable participants to become more self-aware of their own attitudes, beliefs, and value::
  • To discuss psycho social issues affecting prison inmates
  • To provide a personal growth experience.

Prisoners and Remandees.

They must

  1. Have the desire to learn helping skills
  2. be open to looking at how he/she interacts with people
  3. be willing to commit one’s self to attending all training sessions

Peer Counselling Training